20 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself | Self-Care Sunday | The Positivity Project

We’ve come to the end of The Positivity Project week! Though the launch is over, we’ll still be creating things together to help you feel more positive. However, you’ll be glad to hear I won’t be publishing a post every day. It was quite fun though, while it lasted! Do you think I should do something like this again, or was it too much to keep up with?

To conclude this week of positivity, Emily decided on Self-Care Sunday. I’ve been looking forward to this one, because I have so much to say about self-care. In this post I will be sharing my favourite ways to take care of myself. However, I did explain more in-depth what self care is in another blog post! I would really appreciate you checking that out. Remember that what works for me may not work for you, because we’re all different. Individuality is the beauty of the human race! Don’t change yourself in hope of becoming ‘perfect’. There’s no such thing. We’re all beautiful in our own ways. As a perfectionist, this is hard news to digest. But over the years I’ve come to terms with it, and I’m trying to accept myself for who I am. And, of course, accepting others for who they are too!

Quite simply, these are the things that I do to take care of myself:

    Sticking to my routine
    Not lying in (kind of links in with the previous one)
    Eating well, but also allowing myself snacks now and then.

Pre-isolation: eating a pizza with some friends as a treat! Why on Earth not?

    Not procrastinating!
    Getting dressed well everyday, to avoid feeling lazy.
    Reading books. The more, the better!

    Spending less time on screens.
    Avoiding social media, only for blog related things.
    Spending time with the people I love.
    Keeping in touch with the people I love when I can’t see them (see yesterday’s post for more on that!)
    Having a bath then putting on cosy PJs

    Reminding myself of my goals and aspirations
    Allowing myself to scroll through Pinterest and look at inspiring quotes
    Remembering that I can’t please everyone
    Watching Harry Potter while knitting

    Telling myself that self-care isn’t selfish, but it leads to me caring more for other people!
    Practising my cello and usually zoning out because I get so consumed in the music that the outside world no longer matters to me!
    Doing something I enjoyed as a child, like Lego, drawing or colouring (yes I still do those things occasionally)

This is a photo from Monday’s post (Mindfulness Monday) where the prompt was to do some colouring!

    Setting out clothes for the following day

I really appreciate those of you whom have read every single post of mine this week! It means the world – your support is always appreciated. Don’t forget, after reading all of these lengthy posts, to step away from the screen. Though being active online is a huge part of my passion, it’s not always necessary. We need to step away sometimes, and appreciate the moment. There’s no time like the present!

How will you take care of yourself today? After commenting below, will you take a moments rest from social media?

Thank you for sticking by me this week, and sharing with me all of your wonderful positivity journeys. Please show some support to the wonderful creator, Emily, whom without I would be seriously lacking inspiration. Her blog is absolutely stunning, along with her Instagram (click the links if you have time!)

erin x



23 thoughts on “20 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself | Self-Care Sunday | The Positivity Project

    • Don’t worry, everyone is feeling quite unproductive at the moment and it’s okay. The situation hasn’t sunk in it yet so I’ve been remaining positive. Though this morning I had a lie in and have done nothing useful!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, it is hard. I was unusually positive over the past few weeks, despite the situation! Though it’s starting to feel a little more real now. I have my up and down days but concentrating on school work distracts me from anything else ❤

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  1. Love this list, it’s all so important! ✨ I’ve been avoiding social media aside from blog stuff too and today I’m planning on doing some colouring. Saw on your shelf you have The Weight Of Water, is it a good book? I’ve read Moonrise by Sarah Crossan before and really enjoyed it but don’t know if I should send off for that one. Great post! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post! And it’s great that you’ve been avoiding screens and social media. Its ALLL I’m trying to do *sigh*

    And I read Weight of Water too! Just last week. :)) XX


  3. Erin, I love this list! Thank you for the reminder to take care of myself today, and I hope you are doing the same.💛 I have been loving looking through quotes on Pinterest lately, so I was really happy to see that on your list! When things feel out of control, looking at inspirational quotes can help ground me again and see the positive, so that has definitely been having a positive impact on me lately.

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    • Thank you for the lovely comments, Olivia! Today has been quite manic with school work, though I’ll shut off my screens at 8pm so that I can do some journaling and self-care. Pinterest is a hub of inspiration! I don’t use it much, maybe twice a month? But every visit is worth it and I love looking at positive boards. Thank you again ❤

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    • You’re so kind, thank you! We must take of ourselves, despite all the pending tasks on our to-do lists. So if you happen to be reading this, put your device down for a second and take a few deep breaths. Be present. Enjoy yourself ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This is such a great post! I think self care is really important especially right now because it’s easy to forget to pamper yourself when you’re stuck at home all day. My go to is snacks and writing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! You can never go wrong with snacks and writing. I’ve found a show which I love so I’ve been watching that, and doing some reading to chill out. Blogging has really been on the back burner but I want to prioritise it today!

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  5. Lately, self-care is knowing when to stop studying. Today I spent the whole day doing French homework, preparing a French presentation, and also attending an English Zoom lesson. My mind can’t take any more studying!! I had more things planned to study, but it’s clearly not happening. I’m leaving it for tomorrow!! Keep safe! ❤ (that pizza looks delicious!!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Taking a step back will be much deserved. Though productivity is a great aim for a lot of us, there is a point of overworking. All work and no play is bad for the soul 🙂 Hope you’re resting as you read this ❤

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  6. Pingback: April Favourites – the book mermaid

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