10 Things To Do In Autumn | Collaboration With Girl Online

Happy autumn everyone!

I’m pretty late to announce my top 10 things to do in autumn but Halloween is not yet upon us so you definitely have time to check these off your list! Today’s post I have written in conjunction with Girl Online. I was pretty excited to work with one of my most loved book characters. Though the real Penny Porter does not exist, Girl Online’s blog is just as good! Because she has only just started blogging I’m sure she would heavily appreciate your support. 

The first five things on this list are written by Girl Online and the last five are mine. I hope you do get a chance to do some of these things because they are really enjoyable! In late October some of my family friends come around and that’s always an opportunity to make pumpkin spice lattes or go and collect the beautiful autumn leaves. 

Apple Picking

Of course, you can’t not go apple picking during autumn. This time is when the trees leave us natural goodness……for free. On top of that, it’s a really exciting and time consuming thing to do. Once you have done it you will think: why have I never done this before? 

Go For a Hike + Have a Picnic

Honestly, my favourite outdoor memories would have to be hiking, especially in forests, full of cool, crispy air. It’s amazing and so satisfying. Plus, you get to run away from life for a few hours. After that, maybe on the same site, just set up a little picnic spot. You definitely cannot go alone.

Trust me, it’s not regrettable. I actually am going hiking later this week!

Collect Colourful Leaves + Listen To The Sound of Crunching Leaves

This is one of my favourites. It’s incredibly satisfying and beautiful to watch leaves falling. While you do this, you’re also going to be enjoying the cool autumn breeze. It’s also really healthy to go for an evening walk in autumn, so that’s definitely a to do.

Note from Erin: I went for a walk after school the other day. It was incredibly stress relieving and I managed to pick up a few conkers on the way!

Attend a Fall Festival

Getting together with family, friends and neighbours is one of the best things about autumn because you can attend, or even host a fall festival. This activity will bring so many people together and I can bet that everyone will have a great time – in so many different ways! You’ll have lots of happy memories to take back with you. 

Make Autumn Goodies

Everyone knows you can’t go through autumn without having some autumn treats, as I call them. You can make these at home with your family or friends.

Some ideas for autumn treats are: candy apples, caramel apples, all sorts of pies, pumpkin bread, cider doughnuts, and many more. 

Blackberry Picking

Early September is the perfect time for blackberry picking. Autumn is the time of foraging and you will always see an insane amount of conkers in my house. I recommend you go blackberry picking during the golden hour – it is a beautiful experience and such a lovely walk! Come back and bake yourself a lovely crumble, for autumn is the pie season! I have recipe for a blackberry and apple crumble on my blog here. 

Pumpkin Patch

I have never gone to a pumpkin patch but I would love to! When it comes closer to Halloween, it would be amazing to pick your own pumpkin to carve. Look for some pumpkin farms near you and go out with your friends! It may be an expensive ordeal but, from what I have heard, it is worth it. 

Chai Lattes

A great part of autumn is when the coffee shops start introducing their pumpkin spice lattes and gingerbread hot chocolates. However, you could have a go at home! I rarely go out for a coffee so my special treats are when I make them myself. Chai lattes are quite complex but well worth it. I always use Zoella’s recipe (which, for copyright reasons, I cannot share). 


The absence of candles in the summer only makes you more hungry for them by the time autumn comes around! I enjoy pumpkin or cinnamon scented candles for this time of year. Not only do they smell delicious, but they leave everything in the room with a spiced layer of scent. 

Attend A Local Fireworks Display

By the time we get to November, everyone is wrapped up in scarfs from head to toe! It’s so crazy how fast this year has gone, and we’re already back to autumn. November 5th is high time for celebration and I love going to a bonfire night in the closest village! Though bad for the environment, it is truly a wonder to see a firework display. I always go with my family and meet up with my closest friends.

Thank you all for reading! I hope that you leave your computer screens for a bit and go outside to appreciate the beauties autumn has to hold. It’s truly a one-of-a-kind season. 


Make sure to check out Girl Online’s blog here!

17 thoughts on “10 Things To Do In Autumn | Collaboration With Girl Online

    • This is one of the cosiest seasons – especially when it rains… I know that some parts of the world (like Florida) never get to experience cold around Halloween. I think the weather is what makes a season!
      What are you planning to do this month?
      Erin x


  1. Very cool way to do a collaboration, going half and half on your ideas. Reading these really inspires that comfy warmth you get with autumn, even though I’m currently sat in my house in several jumpers still freezing my ass off! I didn’t make it to a fireworks display last year because of being in hospital so I’d really like to go this year if I can. Great post! xx

    Liked by 2 people

    • I did a half/half collaboration a few years ago – when I first began my blog – and it performed really well! Thank you so much for your comment. I’m sorry that you missed bonfire night last year but I hope you’re feeling a bit better now! You’ll have to really wrap up war if you get the chance to go out. My brother wore tights under his trousers once XD
      Thank you for all of your support. Please know that I still read your posts but for some reason I cannot comment on them!
      Love x

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Erin, Your posts looks so amazing. I love all the pictures you used. And I’ve been waiting so long for this, i didn’t even notice it was in my reader. I checked so many times, I didn’t even see it.
    It was great working with you, hope we can do this again soon!
    Happy Autumn?

    ~Girl Online

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much for these ideas, Erin! Lately, all I’ve been doing is stressing about moving out, classes, work projects and homework, so I certainly need some distractions! And I’ve never done any specific Autumn-related activity hahaha Is Zoella’s recipe online? I’ll have to look it up! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s my pleasure! I’m here to distract people from the stressful realities and make them feel a bit better. If you ever get a chance to do some of these then I hope you find them relaxing.
      I’m afraid Zoella’s recipe isn’t online – she has a cookbook. I would love to share it with you but at the same time I might get into some legal trouble…
      Good luck with moving out and your college course! Though it may seem like it’s the end of the world, I promise you will get through it.
      Enjoy your day!
      Erin x

      Liked by 1 person

      • ohh I understand! It’s alright! ^^
        Yeah things are already looking better than they did a week ago – I’m just a drama queen 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’m sure you’re not a drama queen – things can be really overwhelming. When under stress it always looks like overreaction when we’re actually really struggling. I’m glad this week has been kinder to you 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Back From The Dead! | KittyJade

  5. Pingback: Autumn Tag | Dungarees, Stormy Nights & Chai Lattes | KittyJade

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